Belle of the Ball is a charming and delicate pastel blue with subtle gray undertones that can add a touch of poise to any space. It's a versatile color that can work with both warm and cool tones, making it perfect for any interior design style. Complementary colors such as or can create a dreamy and romantic ambiance, while bolder hues such as can add an unexpected contrast. Belle of the Ball works beautifully with wood finishes and light-colored natural fabrics, such as linen or cotton. Belle of the Ball can also be paired with metallic finishes like gold or brass to add an elegant and sophisticated touch to any space.
Choose from 4oz (15 sq. ft.), 8oz (30 sq. ft.), 16oz (60 sq. ft.), or 32oz (120 sq. ft.) options for your ideal coverage. Create with confidence and make every project a masterpiece!